Belmullet Junior
National School
Our School
A Fun Filled Start To Your Child's Education
Belmullet Junior School is a Catholic co-educational primary school situated beside the sea in the town of Belmullet. We have 73 pupils on roll, 3 class teachers, 2 SET teachers and 1 SNA.
We also have a secretary and two cleaners shared with our Senior School which is under the same roof.
We pride ourselves in educating our pupils through a fun filled and engaging process governed by the Primary School Curriculum guidelines and practices.
The Junior School opened on April 24th 1952. Prior to this there was a boys and a girls school. The Junior School opened as a co-ed school with a Senior school also in the same building.
At the time of opening all teachers in the school were nuns from the Sisters of Mercy Belmullet. This continued until 1982 when Evelyn Judge, the first lay person joined the staff.
In 1993 Redmond Connolly began as Principal of the Junior School. He continued until June 2018 and served as a great Príomhoide for his years here.
Claire O' Boyle took over as principal in August 2018 after being a member of staff teaching Junior Infants since May 2002. She is the school principal to the present day.